It's taken me forever to get this blogged about. Good grief, life's busy right now!
(Pearl perched on a kitchen chair)
One day about a month or so ago (about the time the picture above was taken), I went into the chickens' room (my poor office) to find them roaming freely. For fear that my office and house would be permanently ruined, I called Mark and told him "they're going outside tonight whether you're ready or not!" God bless him, he got them into their coop that night, and they've lived happily ever since. They always get excited when we dump fruit and vegetable scraps and fresh grass into their chicken run for them. That, and they get excited when they see Mark and make a distinct clucking sound (a hen call??).
(Mark working inside the chicken coop)
The coop is pretty awesome if I can say so myself. We bought a homemade dog house for $30 and made some cheap renovations including a perch, linoleum flooring and insulation (leftover from a previous project). The nesting box hasn't been purchased or installed yet. The fencing for their run was a little costly, but we have to protect those little chickies from getting eaten by dogs, possums, raccoons and it seems everything else that wanders outside. I'll be sure to get some pictures and post them asap!